Minutes March 1, 2022 Planning Meeting
Attendees:J. Filangeri
Dennis Filangeri
Marina Jurasek
Sy Bensky
Robert McCandlish
Norm Wright
Larry Kaufman
Maria Martinez-Riach
Don LeHeup
Marina Jurasek
Sy Bensky
Robert McCandlish
Norm Wright
Larry Kaufman
Maria Martinez-Riach
Don LeHeup
These are some of the suggestions for club meetings and events:
- Travelogue, Photos and narrative of a trip, not 400 pictures of your cuter than anybody else's grandkids
- Photo editing techniques
- Have a Pro explain how your camera works, such as the settings, f stop, shutter speed, ASA and how to set them for different situations
- Story Behind the picture
- Black and white photography, infra-red
- We have members who are very talented at photographing different genres like wildlife, people, doors, landscapes and so on.
- Field trips such as Las Vegas Wash, historic sites such as Goldfield, Henderson Bird Preserve.
I wish to thank those who attended we accomplished more than we could have at a regular meeting. Anyone who couldn't attend and have some thoughts, please send them to me at (702) 869-5210 or email to dnbleheup@embarqmail.com.
Excellent and much needed program planning meeting, Don. Here’s what I think we agreed on regarding programs for the next six months or so. Let me know if I’m way off.
ReplyDeleteMarch = 3D photography
April = Sun City Photo Art Project: a Sun City Board member (which Norm will arrange for) to let the club members know what Sun City has in mind regarding using Photo Club art in Sun City rooms. We need a board member so we know we’re hearing what the board really has in mind. N.B. If Norm is unable to get a board member, we’ll need an alternative program.
May = Story Behind The Picture. Don to lead.
June = Editing Techniques: an experienced club member to present a before/after sequence. At the meeting, members who might want individualized help could schedule time in the Photo Lab with the experienced club member.
July = Camera Professional: an “expert” from a photo shop to describe common features on all cameras (NOT cell phones), as you described (f stop, shutter speed, etc.)
August = Travelogue: Members who’ve done interesting trip photography
September = Photo Show preview (may not be enough)
October = B & W photography, perhaps the best our members have taken + the stories behind them.
How does that sound?
The April meeting is not contingent on getting a board member to come to our meeting, the meeting will be about what the board, and Mitzi, wants regarding decorations in the billiard room. I will find out that information and present it at the April meeting. I will also give a presentation on economical ways to print large photos / murals . . . because if we are going to have our photos displayed they must be larger than 8X10 or 11x14. The photos we need to submit must be at least 20 x 30, if not larger. -- -- --
ReplyDeleteAlso, I suggest that we add a program on how to use cell phones to take photos. That can include a field trip to the Apple store to learn how to use Apple features. I fully recognize that some members do not want to use cell phones, Apple or otherwise to take photos, but we also must recognize that there are many in our community who do not want to learn how use a large, heavy, camera, but rather are interested in learning how take better photos with their cell phone.
We have a diverse population in our community. Our club should work to meet the needs of all who have an interest in photography and we must have meetings that review the new technology, not just how an SLR camera works. --- Norm
To all club members, the following is a letter that I sent to Mitzi Mills and Melissa Spina regarding the ongoing microphone problems that have plagued our meetings. Hopefully the issues will be resolved ASAP. - Norm
Ms. Mills,
All of Sun City’s clubs have been struggling for the past two years due to COVID. The Photography Club is no exception and, despite all of the challenges, we have not missed a meeting because we initiated Zoom meetings in April 2020. Last July we initiated both in-person meetings at Desert Vista and continued with our Zoom meetings, but challenges with the microphones and acoustics in the DV Ballroom continued.
On Tuesday March 1st the Photo Club had a planning meeting and our members are upset, saying they no longer want to attend the meetings due to issues with the microphones, problems that have plagued us since last summer.
Our next meeting is on Thursday March 10th. I understand that replacing the microphones and acoustics is on the agenda for next week’s board meeting, and I recognize that new equipment, if approved, will not be available in time for our March meeting, but please do everything in your power to ensure that the current microphones will be operational so our members are able to hear what our presenters are saying.
If it is not possible to ensure the microphones are in proper working order will you please respond and assure our members that the problem will be resolved in the very near future.
Thank you,
Norman Wright – President Photography Club
Cc: Melissa Spina and the Photo Club members
Update regarding Desert Vista acoustics - The agenda for the upcoming board meeting on March 8th has an agenda item regarding upgrading the microphones and hopefully this will be passed and the problems with the microphones will be resolved ASAP. However this will not be done in time for our March 10th meeting. -- I have contacted Melissa and we will have the wireless mikes and back up mikes that are attached by cables for the meeting. Everything possible is being done to resolve the issue -- Norm
ReplyDeleteMy comment is directed to the mission of the photography club.
ReplyDeleteWe have many experienced photographers of various levels that can be tapped to improve everyone's skills.I prefer to have hands-on topics that everyone is invited to participate in.
the assignment might be for everyone to take a photo of your favorite cactus. Submit to a page here. (no post editing yet)
at the meeting or when photo is uploaded supply a paragraph of the Story behind the photo.
The focus on members improving skills ....
1) Why did you choose this cactus
2) Why did you choose this angle
3) Did you have to overcome a challenge to capture the photo
4) What camera did you use
Next meeting we could review how post editing can improve your photo.
I must admit I am not a fan of guest speakers presenting various topics. I can get that from YouTube.
just say'n ......