First, to get started right, bring your favorite photo recording device (aka camera) and an internet enabled mobile device (aka Smartphone).
Next, we'll all get a lot more from the meeting if we all brush up on some photo concepts by reviewing this slide show: Click Here.
We're going to start with a short quiz to activate your little grey cells (shades of Hercule Poirot), refreshing some basic photo concepts.
Then we'll slide effortlessly into a look at some of the world's worst photos, and talk about what could've been done using those same basic photo concepts to make them less awful.
Finally, you'll have the opportunity to pick a technique that you really enjoy and either want to learn more about or, if you're already a pro, perhaps you'd be willing to help work with others to improve their technique.
Give some serious thought to a technique you'd like to work on to start the year off right.
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