Friday, September 13, 2019

Sun City Photography Club Minutes, General Meeting, September 12, 2019, Desert Vista

Norm opened the meeting opened at 7 pm and led the pledge. We welcomed new member Joann Maioli.
Members present:  15
Membership to date: 50
Volunteers Needed: J is stepping down as secretary, so we will need a new secretary, as well as at least one new director. There's a volunteer sign-up list on the website.   Dennis also circulated one at the meeting.
Treasurer's Report: Financial Balance $565.67 to Retained Earnings.
Refreshments Committee: J brought refreshments for today's meeting.  M.E. offered to bring them in October.
Meeting Agenda & Discussion:
Focus Groups:  We will be starting focus groups again.  Members were asked to sign up to participate in these.  Again, there's a sign-up list on the website.
Improving the Photo LabNorm shared his research into hardware for the lab. Norm will be putting together a proposal requesting funding from the SCSCAI Board, to include a decent scanner, processor, possible external drive. 
Presentations: Dennis gave a presentation on the basics of "painting with light." The presentation is available for viewing on the website. Next month's theme is Dark and Light.
M.E. shared some of her photos on animals, particularly birds.
Dale shared some of her photos from a recent trip.
Theme: Special Effects. Winners were Helen D. and Sy B. Photos will be on display in the Photo Lab window.
Next month's theme: Dark and Light.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM
Respectfully submitted, J Filangeri, Secretary

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