Monday, April 24, 2017

April 13, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes from the last Photo Club meeting.

Sun City Photography Club Minutes
General Meeting, April 13, 2017, Desert Vista
Officers Present:
Jim Bird, Pres.
Joel Lugavere, 2nd  VP
J Filangeri, Sec'y
Dale Kavula, 1st VP
Dennis Filangeri, Treas.
Absent: Norman Wright, VP
George Kertesz, Dir
Jim opened the meeting opened at 7 pm.
Pledge: Sid Goldstein led the pledge.
Members present:  17 members present and 1 guest. The club welcomes new member Ann Capolupo and returning member Harry Doyle.
Treasurer's Report: Financial Balance $1,248.93. Year to date, we have $335.59 over expenses.
Refreshments Committee: Larry Jones brought refreshments for tonight's meeting. A sign-up sheet for future meetings is at the desk. Members are reminded that the club will reimburse you for refreshments, so please sign-up.
Proposed Changes to the Constitution: These proposed changes were distributed to all members last month.
·         Dues Change: MOTION: Article III Membership, Section III.3 shall read: Dues shall be $15.00 for a household per calendar year and may be pro-rated. Annual dues may be increased to an amount not to exceed $50 per year by a majority vote of the membership at a business meeting of the club. The SCSCAI must approve amounts exceeding $50 per year. The club wanted to change the dues from $15 per person to $15 per household and avoid the $1 extra per additional person as is current practice. Adrian Cole pointed out that the CCOC does not allow "household" membership, requiring that each person be a member.  Sid Goldstein, who had been on the board confirmed that this was why our dues evolved into $15 for the first household member, and $1 for the additional member, though that was not reflected in the Club Constitution. This motion is tabled until the board can bring the language into compliance with the CCOCs
·         Officers Change: MOTION to amend the club constitution as follows: Article V Organization, Section V.1 shall read: "Composition: The officers of the club shall be a president, first vice-president, second vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, and at the discretion of the board, up to two (2) directors at large, and shall be elected each year. (Club must have at least three officers)." And, SECTION V.3 shall read "Vacancies: In the absence of the president, the a vice-president will automatically assume the duties. All other vacancies shall be determined by a vote of the remaining elected officers." Made, seconded, and passed unanimously.
·         Officer Presiding at Meetings: MOTION: Article VI.6. Board of Directors shall read: "Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and directors at large. In the absence of the President and Vice Presidents, the President may appoint another member of the Board of Directors to preside at a monthly meeting." Made, seconded, and passed unanimously.
Field Trip Coordinator Report: (Diane/Dale) - Dale reported that she and Diane F. got together and developed a calendar of field trips, which has been approved by the board. The full calendar is attached.
Joyce O'Keefe Described our most recent Cottonwood Cove/Nelson field trip, showing photo samples what we saw in both locations. Our club blog has a full article on the field trip and a number of participants added photos from the trip ( and go to Posts).
Theme Competition: The Theme for May is BLACK & WHITE.
The winner of this month's Theme, STILL LIFE: FLOWERS was Marina Jurasek. Her photo of a Columbine in her garden will be part of the display in the Photo Lab this month.
Techniques and Tips: J provided YouTube videos on techniques of particular use for our next month's theme (J). We were able to see "The Best and Worst Ways to Make Your Photos Black & White." The second, "Exploring Black-and-White Photography," will also be posted on the website ( ).
·         Tech Time: (Dennis) Although members do not need a Google account to visit the club website (, members do need a Google account to upload photos.  Dennis again ran through the process.
·         Show & Tell: Once uploaded, Google has some interesting Editing tools. J showed some examples of how these simple editing tools can be used for those who don't already use something like Photoshop. Alternative software was also suggested by members. 

Respectfully submitted, J Filangeri, Secretary

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