Thursday, March 9, 2017

March 9, 2017 Meeting Minutes

All - Here are the minutes from the last Photo Club meeting.

Sun City Photography Club
Minutes, General Meeting, March 9, 2017, Desert Vista

Officers Present:
Jim Bird, Pres.
Norman Wright, VP
J Filangeri, Sec'y
Dale Kavula, 1st VP
Dennis Filangeri, Treas.
George Kertesz, Dir.
Absent: Joel Lugavere, 2nd  VP

Jim opened the meeting opened at 7 pm.
Members present: 25
Treasurer's Report: Financial Balance $1,103.68
  • Budget: Dennis described his addition to the budget of a line item for Reserves to cover purchases. 
  • Refreshments Committee: Marina J. brought refreshments for tonight's meeting. A sign-up sheet for future meetings is at the desk.

Meeting Agenda & Discussion:
  • Special Speaker: SCSCAI Board Member Ellen Bachman – Upcoming SCSCAI Vote: Sun City Summerlin is currently a Chapter 81 Not-for-Profit Corporation. We need to vote on switching over to a Chapter 82 Not-for-Profit Corporation. Chapter 82 was not in existence when Sun City Summerlin came into being. Chapter 82 organization will save the association significantly in business income tax and entertainment tax.  Also, Chapter 81 terminates after 50 years, jeopardizing ownership of our facilities.  Ellen stressed to all that to change to Chapter 82, more than 50% of all homeowners must vote for the change. The ballot will be in the April "The Link." Everyone is strongly encouraged to vote for this change.
  • Special Speaker: Dick Clark, Security Patrol. Members were encouraged to update their emergency contact information.
  • Field Trip Coordinator Report:  Dale and Diane reported that this month's field trip will be on March 20th, to Cottonwood Canyon and Nelson. Depending on how long we stay, there may be a $10 per person charge at Nelson. The Field Trip will leave at 8 AM. Information will be on the blog. [Click Here]
  • Tech Time: Dennis quickly reviewed access to and features of the club's website.  Members are reminded that the website URL is included in every email received from the club. 
  • Break and voting on this month's theme: MOTION.
    • Theme Competition & Announcement of Upcoming Theme: Next month's Theme is Still Life, Flowers, Fruit.
    • Winner: Dennis Filangeri
  • Proposed Changes to the Constitution: The board has approved several changes to the club Constitution. [Click here for full red-line versions showing changes.]
    • Change the dues from $15 per person to $15 per household and avoid the $1 extra per additional person as is current practice.
    • Adding the provision for up to two directors at large.
    • Clarification that at the President’s discretion he/she can appoint another board member to preside at a monthly club business meeting.

The specific Constitution language changes are attached to these minutes and will be sent to all members.  A vote on these changes by membership will take place at the April business meeting.

Respectfully submitted, J Filangeri, Secretary

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