Tuesday, June 30, 2020

July 9, '20 Program Update

Updated Information for the July 9, 2020 Monthly Meeting! 

Unfortunately due to the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, we are postponing the Getting on the Basics Bandwagon presentation by M.E. Chidiac until April 2021. Your Board has come up with alternate programming for our July meeting, which will be conducted via ZOOM. 

What do these four images have in common? 
 They will be included as a part of two different slideshows we are preparing for this meeting!


We will be presenting a few brief slideshows, sharing interesting information from a few of the links you can find on our Club's website, and will provide time for interested members to show a few favorite images if they would like to do that. You would "screen share" during the Zoom session to access your images from your Desktop or other location on your hard drive to share with the group. We look forward to more members sharing their special images with the group! 

The two short slideshows include:

Sharing members' Macro images from the Google Album for our monthly Photo Challenge
Trains, Snowy Animals, and Hummingbirds slideshow with images shared by three members:
Helen Delahunt, Sue Stevens, and Dale Kavula.

Join Zoom Meeting 6:30PM July 9.

Meeting ID: 889 5862 8176
Password: 673864
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Meeting ID: 889 5862 8176
Password: 673864
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