7:00PM -8:45PM RECORDED Zoom and live at Desert Vista
MEMBERS ATTENDED - (16 at DV and 2 on Zoom) 18 Total
*Norm - Welcome and Introduced Speaker - Marc Wiseman, Topic "Composition".
began "My Journey through Composition".... Photographs of fish & sharks
through protective cages in Mexico, adding drama, using low key backgrounds.
Mandarin fish and shrimp from Zanzibar. Seahorse was taken at night was
gorgeous. Elegance using high key backgrounds and over exposure to make subjects
stand out, in Africa. Using strobe lights for night underwater shots....takes
luck to get the right angle of the subject. Marc showed many excellent
techniques underwater that made the fish really beautiful! Great Program!
*Don - Certificate of Appreciation given to Marc Wiseman.
*Dennis -
Financials discussed
*Dennis - "Before and After" Photo Album by members,
each member discussed photos changed.
******* BREAK ******* Treats donated by Diane Frankenfield
*Club Business
- Presented to members to move time of meeting to 6:30pm -starting in Jan
2022. 14 Yes and 2 No - Passed. New Laptop approved and paid to Norm by Club.
Sound is excellent in our new room 5. ELECTIONS - for one year: President -
Norm Wright, Vice President - Don LeHeup, Treasurer - Dennis Filangeri,
Secretary - Helen Delahunt, Program Coordinator - no one vounteered at this
Dec 9th, 21 No Meeting at Desert Vista, Will have a Zoom Meeting
with HOLIDAY photos by members.
-Photo Show - discussion on when have it,
decided that a LIVE Fall show would be best- possibly October. J. Filangeri
reminded the group that it may take up to 15 months to schedule. Norm will
talk with Charlene to schedule. Mt Shadows display of photographs may be in
Fall too.
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