*Norm welcomed members then introduced our Speaker, Allen Duff - Topic "Constructive Critique Session" - He reviewed photos by members with suggestions to improve. Here are a few highlights, such as; "maybe could use more cropping, think about interest...is it an interesting shot? Eyes are drawn to the brightest part of a photo. Stay away from a "bullseye" type center, better to put on side or angle. Colors need to be sharp - RED draws the eye. Subjects - always like odd numbers - 3,5,7 etc. Check your boarders, look at edges - could they be cropped/zoomed in to form a better photo? Add color in post processing to add interest, contrast etc. Delete corners that show edges not useful in subject. Watch for "leading lines", patterns, light from behind - either too bright or too dark. Always check focus - lighting - adjust if too dark or light." Excellent program!
*Don - Certificate of Appreciation given to Allen Duff.
*Dennis - "Wildlife/Landscape and Nature Photography by members were reviewed. Financials shown.
* Break - 10-15 minutes - Cookies donated by Helen D.
*Quick Bytes by Sue Stevens - "How to straighten a building" using Lightroom Transform Tool.
*Diane - Program Update for November 11.2021. Speaker Marc Wiseman Topic "Composition", Quick Bytes by Marc Wiseman - "Creative Star Trails using Lightroom Star Stax".
*Norm - Club Business - New Laptop discussion. Photo Show will be virtual like last year. No holiday party because of Covid. November 11th Elections.
*Meeting end - Members attending 23 (5 on Zoom, 18 in room.)
H. Delahunt, Sec.
Start Time: Oct 14, 2021 06:26 PM
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: !6%o^cyf
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