Norm - Welcomed group and took a Screen Shot of those attending tonight.
Diane - Introduced Speaker Nancy Sexton - Latin America and Galapagos Islands Trip - May 2019
Nancy delivered an excellent photo slideshow of her 8-day cruise through Lindblad Expedition / National Geographic. Plus several days before and after in Ecuador and Bogota, Columbia. Nancy likes to "tell a story" when she travels through her pictures, which she did! Music alongside the photos were enjoyable too! Here are just a few of her photos: Starting in Ecuador; Hummingbird Preserve, Hiking trails, Chocolate tour, Iguana Park, Colorful Architecture all around in buildings, stores, windows. Flew to Galapagos Islands then to zodiac boat to ship. Lots of animals; seals, blue-footed boobies, iguanas, amazing birds, albatrosses, sea turtles, crabs, etc. Flew to Bogota, Columbia - Toured sugarcane factory, volcano, mud bath, lots of street art and Catholic Cathedral. (Please see all the recorded photos, fascinating to observe that part of the world). Very enjoyable presentation.
Diane - Certificate of Appreciation given to Nancy.
Norm - Club Business: Elections will be next year. Financials presented, donated camera equipment to the club by Mark Stevens; Canon lens, Nikon D90 body, etc. Please contact Norm if interested.
Dennis- CELL PHONE ALBUM - Photos from all over were presented and reviewed. China, Grand Canyon, Arizona, Cedar City, Utah, Macro, Landscape all from members cell-phones! Beautiful!
Norm - "Honest Mistake" - Dale Kavula brought to the Boards attention that a couple of Wildlife Photos were noted with the wrong name in the album. This was a honest mistake and we will attempt to not have it happen again.
Diane - "2021 Virtual Sun City Photography Show", See instructions online. (Encouraged to put in recent work (past 3 years), Place 5 of your favorites by December 15th, the Show will be presented from Jan 15-30th, 2021. We won't have a contest, just sharing our photography work. Will be in SCS Link and SCS Living.
Diane - Next Meeting is December 10th. Theme "Coping with Pandemic Photos".
January 14th Meeting Theme will be "Holiday Photos".
Quick Bytes by Diane F: " Around an Image", Photoshop used for review of how to place borders with color choices, changes around images with examples, flowers, landscape.
Meeting is RECORDED
Meeting close - 825pm. H. Delahunt, Sec.
Quick Bytes by Diane F: " Around an Image", Photoshop used for review of how to place borders with color choices, changes around images with examples, flowers, landscape.
Meeting is RECORDED
Attendees - 20
Topic: Photo Club
Start Time : Nov 12, 2020 06:43 PM
Access Passcode: Mqyv8#eT
Meeting close - 825pm. H. Delahunt, Sec.