09:30am -Zoom - Virtual Meeting to review agenda for Oct 8, 2020
Board Members Attending - Norm W, Dennis F, Don L, Diane F, Helen D.
I. Agenda: Open ZOOM at 6:45pm, Start Meeting at 7:00pm.
Norm - Welcome, Business topics, financial report, dues, election info.
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Diane - Introduction of our guest speaker - Robert McCandlish, presenting photography tips using
"The Camera in your Pocket".
Diane - Certificate of Appreciation to be given to Robert McCandlish.
Dennis - Introduce the "Wildlife" Album for members to share pictures and talk about them!
Don - "Quick Bytes" - (This is a new monthly 5 minute segment by members). This month is by
Don Le Heup, showing us "lighting techniques and how to improve our photos".
Diane -Next month : Nancy Sexton and Mike Smith - "Latin America Journey and Galapagos Voyage
Next month's Photo Theme- CELL PHONE PHOTOS
Discussion on "November Photography Show" - ZOOM this year! Special online? members input!
Suggestions/Questions by members:
Meeting close
II. Dennis to post online Meeting for October 8, 20 ZOOM info with brief agenda.
III. Program Updates and Quick Bites scheduled sent per Pdf file by Diane to board.
IV Helen suggested and approved by board to call all indivdual members: for info/update/invite/zoom info, if needed/welcome back to photography club on ZOOM.
Meeting ended
Topic: PhotoClub Board
Start Time : Sep 30, 2020 09:27 AM
Meeting Recording:
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