Officers Present:
Norman Wright, Pres
Don LeHeup, VP
Joel Lugavere, VP
J Filangeri
Dennis Filangeri
Kathy Kirby
Norm opened the meeting opened
at 7 pm and led the pledge. We welcomed new member Peter Guevara and returning member
Beth Bacher and guests, Eunice Gelman and Barry Smith.
Members present: 21 members present.
Membership to date: 45
Treasurer's Report: Dennis reported a negative Financial Balance of $-$46.97, but noted that was because we'd just purchased mats for the photo show so that we will be back in the black by the end of the evening.
Refreshments Committee: Kathy K. brought refreshments for tonight's meeting.
- October 13 Photo Walk, 10/13, Opportunity Village HallOVeen.
- November 15 Photo Walk: Henderson Bird Viewing and Hemenway Park
Meeting Agenda & Discussion:
· Dennis (and J) pinch hit (when our speaker was a no-show). Dennis
pared the 600 photos taken on their Iceland trip down to about 50 and briefly
touched on ways to make travel presentations more interesting.
Theme Competition
This month's theme was Wildlife.
Members were asked to limit submissions to no more than two photos to make the
competition more meaningful. The winner was Dale K.
Next month's Theme is
Photo Show Information
- Photos for Display: All members are reminded that photos must conform to the format provided to everyone. Label info needs to be sent to Dennis either on line or as an email. We will finalize labels at the November meeting. Members were reminded that no photos will be accepted day of show.
- Photo Show flyers have been distributed to all our community centers.
- Volunteers: J thanked all who signed up to help day of the show. She will send a reminder to everyone about a week before the show.
- Portraits: Cliff will be setting up an area in Room 3 to do portraits, donations to go to the club. All work will be digital. Visitors who want a portrait and don't have email will be asked to find a relative or neighbor who's email they can use.
- Digital Photos: Norm offered to bring in a tv screen and asked members to provide digital photos to him by October 31st to work up into a presentation that will run on the screen.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted, J
Filangeri, Secretary
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