Sun City Photography
Minutes, General
Meeting, July 13, 2017, Desert Vista
Officers Present:
Joel Lugavere,
2nd VP
Wright, VP
Filangeri, Sec'y
Dale Kavula,
1st VP
Filangeri, Treas.
Absent: George Kertesz, Dir
Jim Bird,
Norm opened
the meeting opened at 7:10 pm and led the pledge. Pres. Jim is away for the next few months.
Members present: There were 12 members present
Membership to date: 54 members
Treasurer's Report: We have $471 in
retained earnings so far this year and about $1,300 in the bank. Dues for 2018:
The board met and reviewed the finances and projects that we can lower the dues
to $8 a person next year. Members will formally
vote on a motion to approve (or disapprove) the dues decrease at the September
Refreshments Committee: Karleen brought
refreshments for tonight's meeting. J
will bring them next month
Meeting Agenda & Discussion:
Guest Passes: Motion
to retain the current language in the Constitution that non-residents can
attend a club as a guest of a member, but only twice. Seconded and
unanimously passed. [Note:
field trips are no considered meetings and guests are welcome.]
Field Trip Coordinator Report:
Dale is running our next field trip,
sunrise pictures here in Sun City. There
is no field trip scheduled for August.
Show & Tell: Terri
Hirni brought a selection of photos he'd taken recently at Red Rock for
Break and voting on Theme
Competition This month's theme = Phone Photos. Winner: Norm Wright
Next Month's Theme is
Around Sun City.
Techniques and Tips: Norm
Wright – Composition: Before the break, all present were asked to take a photo
during the break for discussion of composition.
Using these, he discussed the tendency to go for portrait when often
landscape would make better sense. Norm
then gave a presentation on some cell phone techniques, touching on how to
enhance your photos, framing the subject, using backlighting, angle shots, and
other enhancements.
Next Month's Meeting: We
will be discussing possible themes for next year's Theme Competition.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectfully submitted, J
Filangeri, Secretary
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