Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 11, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes of the May 11th club meeting.

Sun City Photography Club
Minutes, General Meeting, May 11, 2017, Desert Vista
Officers Present:
Jim Bird, Pres.
Norman Wright, VP
J Filangeri, Sec'y
Dale Kavula, 1st VP
Dennis Filangeri, Treas.
George Kertesz, Dir
Joel Lugavere, 2nd  VP

Jim opened the meeting opened at 7 pm.
Kathy K. led the pledge
Members present:  21+ guest Fred Carson.
Membership Report: 54 members
Treasurer's Report: Financial Balance is $1,279.93, $366 profit to date.
Refreshments Committee: J brought refreshments for tonight's meeting. The following people offered to provide refreshments:
            June               Kathy Kirby
            July                Karleen Craig
            August           J Filangeri
            September     Kathy Kirby
            October          Kathy Kirby
            November      Kathy Kirby

Meeting Agenda & Discussion:

·         Field Trip Coordinator Report:  Dale and Diane. Dale and Diane described the last field trip, a wildflower walk at Red Rock's Calico Basin. Don and Joyce shared their photos from the trip, plus there are a lot of photos on the blog. 
The next field trip will be May 25, Thursday - street photography, downtown Las Vegas - murals and people. We will meet 8am at DV for the ride downtown. There is a sign-up on the blog. Members were asked to sign-up there or let Diane know they are coming.

·         This month's theme: The theme this month was B&W and we had a good representation in the contest. The winner was Kathy Kirby. Contestants were encouraged to lend us their B&Ws for the Photo Lab display for the month. Next month's Theme is PEOPLE.

·         Techniques: Joel L gave a presentation on techniques for photographing people, just in time for next month's theme.

·         Photo Tips: Norm gave a presentation on tips for taking travel photos, using his recent trip to Viet Nam to demonstrate.

·         Photo Tips 2: Jim gave a brief presentation showing the effect of grey balance.

·         Non-Resident Guest Pass Use: J summarized the issue. SCSCAI's board has changed the rules regarding non-residents attending clubs with a guest pass provided by a club member. Previously, a resident could bring a non-resident guest to a club twice. SCSCAI is now allowing each club to determine frequency of guest pass use for non-residents, anywhere from Never to as many as the club wants.  Club members will be duly notified via email and in The Link and a formal vote taken in July.

·         Dues: The motion tabled last month read as follows: " MOTION: Article III Membership, Section III.3 shall read: Dues shall be $15.00 for a household per calendar year and may be pro-rated. Annual dues may be increased to an amount not to exceed $50 per year by a majority vote of the membership at a business meeting of the club. The SCSCAI must approve amounts exceeding $50 per year."  The CCOC, which rules all clubs, requires that club membership must be individual, not household, and that all members must be charged the same amount.  The board recommended that members vote the motion down. A vote was taken and the motion defeated. We will revisit the issue of dues in the fall. 

Respectfully submitted, J Filangeri, Secretary

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