Thursday, January 12, 2017

Board Meeting, January 12, 2017

Sun City Photography Club
Minutes, Board Meeting, January 12, 2017, Desert Vista

Jim Bird, Pres.
Dale Kavula, 1st VP
J Filangeri, Sec'y
George Kertesz, Dir
Dennis Filangeri, Treas.
Absent: Norman Wright, VP
Joel Lugavere, 2nd VP

1.    Call to Order: 5:45 PM by President Jim.
2.    Motion to approve the minutes of the incoming board meeting of 12/26/16.   Made, seconded, and unanimously passed.
3.    Secretary's Report:
a.    Paid memberships to date: 22
b.    Confirmation of Theme for February – Critters
4.    Treasurer's Report:
a.    Financial balance to date – Sydney Goldstein has not yet transferred the financials to Dennis, so no report.
b.    Status of transfer of signatures for bank – Dennis will contact the bank.
c.    Official vote on dues change:  For 2017 the board had previously agreed to continue the long-standing practice of charging $15 for the first family member and an additional $1 for the 2nd family member, but the club constitution/bylaws needs to be formally changed.  Current language is, " Dues shall be $15.00 per calendar year and may be pro-rated." Changes in dues must be presented to the membership for a vote at a business meeting. Motion made by Dale to recommend a change in the club dues to read as follows: " Dues shall be $15.00 per calendar year for the first family member and an additional $1 for the 2nd family member. Dues may be pro-rated." Seconded by Jim and passed unanimously. This will be presented to the membership at the annual business meeting and if approved will go into effect January 2018.
5.    Meeting Agenda & Discussion:
a.    Field Trips – Dale reported that she has been working with Diane Frankenfield, and presented an extensive list of possible field trip locations. Ideally, Dale would like responsibility for individual field trips to be delegated to a club member willing to lead that trip. Jim said he would be willing to lead a Death Valley wildflower shoot later in the year.  He would also like to plan a trip to Little Finland and possibly St. Thomas in Lake Meade. January's field trip should be to the Strip for Lunar New Year. February might be to the Venetian. March might be an outdoors trip.

b.    Motion to approve purchase of 24 display stands made by Jim. Seconded and unanimously passed.
c.    Presentation for February –Zane Clark from Computer Club is not available.  J will provide two YouTube videos, each about 10 minutes, one on general photography tips and one on taking good phone photos.
d.    Establishing a refreshments committee & coffee prep for meetings. Jim will ask for volunteers.
6.    Old Business
a.    July & August meetings. The board agreed to hold meeting July and August, and discussed possibly having an evening picnic meeting outdoors for a photoshoot.
7.    New Business
a.    Utilization of Photo Studio: Dale suggested that we might have a "studio experience" similar to a field trip once a month.  We'll need a volunteer to manage this, possibly Dean Ottensen.
b.    Missing key: The key to the locked supply area has been lost. J offered to follow up with SCSCAI to find out whose responsibility it would be to get the door opened and rekeyed. The board approved calling in a locksmith if needed and obtaining several additional keys to any new lock.
c.    February 9th meeting leadership. Jim will be out of town and has tried to reach Norm. So far, no response.
d.    Raffle: The board agreed to discontinue the raffle.
e.    Meeting Agenda: Membership meetings should be following a fairly set agenda as described in the 12/26 minutes. J will send out a general membership meeting agenda to everyone just for information.
f.     Mountain Shadows Display. Photography Club has the display in March.  Jim needs to announce that to the club members.
8.    Motion to Adjourn made at 6:30 PM. Seconded and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
J Filangeri, Secretary

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